Evaulation & Reflection


Researched love themed short films/ contacted barbican & Heathrow airport to get permission to film.

Analysed the films and wrote about the narrative structure & technical elements

Discussed possible film ideas

Got feedback and decided to think along the lines of doing something that is not done all the time etc. gang related

Mark told us how to use the Google plus calendar to help document our progress

After deliberation I’ve decided to film a small portion of the film this weekend to try understanding a sense of the vibe of my film


Focus of alternatives types of stories based on the theme of love

Poems, photography, music, classic art

Practise using logic pro to attempt to make the sound track

Get feedback

Comment and adjust work if needed.

Look at different types of view and photograph them and add them to blog

Charles Bukowski poet a person that I admire.

Today we was told to try think at least 10 experiments that would help benefit us in a positive way regarding the outcome of the whole project

I thought of try different angles to see which ones will fit that scene the best

Also using adobe after effects to create a title sequence that would be in the production of my film.

Started writing assignment brief, thought about the different experiments I’ll go through to help towards my project

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