Sound In Moving Images

Sound in moving film

The way sound is used in film, games, adverts and many different and creative ways is done in a way that keeps the consumer or viewer involved and engaged in the product or film. It is used in a tactical way to build and fill the room with a “happy or sad” type of atmosphere depending on how and what your product is for or about. Whereas if its used in a film it’ll be used for a more higher purpose for example in a scene where one of the characters parents or friends might have sadly passed away they’ll use non-diagetic music maybe a sweet piano melody, to fill the atmosphere with the emotions surrounding the room that cant be portrayed though speech. Or a slow paced build up to a climatic scene there engages the audience. But In most cases they use a mixture of diagetic and non-diagetic sounds to suit the setting of which the characters are communicating in.

Here is an example of a type of technique used to build up a climatic scene from a film (project x) as the students roam through the halls of their high school we hear non-diagetic music that feels the room with much happiness, as it adds to the mood of the characters giving us the audience a relaxing feel to such a tense film. Chaotic themes blending with comedy.

(01:21:05 – 01:26:59)

Along with other sounds used for SFX films we generally need more non-diagetic sound as they’re no longer in the real world as they explore the genre of fantasy and mystery, for example this scene from (Avatar) shows us just how powerful the music in this scene is and how much it adds to the scene and how music can change the mood of the viewer and how it plays the difference between reality and fantasy. It also makes the scene more believable and moving, also the use of sound allows the audience to hear for example the breaking of trees the explosions the steps of horses the screams of little children the cries of all those dumbfounded and lost I think it’s a good example of how music plays a big part of the film industry.

(01:30:00 – 01:43:50)

As sound plays a big part in film it also plays a big part in adverts to, here is a example of the Gorilla Cadbury’s Advert, we See the expressions of the Gorilla as he prepares for the moment in which he bursts into life. And starts playing to the song via drums. This has been branded as a classic advert that a lot of people are able to remember. One because they use both non-diagetic(sounds that don’t belong in the scene and that are artificially put into the scene)  and diagetic (sounds that belong in the scene etc the sound of the drums) sound allowing the audience to sing and move along with the advert. And two because its memorable it’s a type of advert people would talk about. The differences between using music being played by an actual instrument or from the background may or may not have the same effect on the viewer.

This next clip is from the movie “ray” this scene we’re shown the caparison and differences between using diagetic and non-diagetic sounds with the use of an Unidirectional mic we’re able to hear the voice clearly that he’s projecting his voice to. Another example of sound is the use of an amplified microphone used to project his voice as if he performs for a bigger crowd he’ll still be able to be heard. Something used more commonly in speeches and by politicians

(44:00- 45:29)

As we move on from sounds in films it could also be used in the technical side of life, if speaking from a microphone it should be clear and loud enough to be heard from a far distant for instance the first clip is of president Obama giving a speech. Voice is the most powerful, demanding and leads an audience; the way the speaker sues his voice is crucial to keeping the attention of any audience.

Another example

Sound in horror films plays a big part as it builds suspense and tension throughout one or more particular scenes to get the audience on the edge of their seats, with the use of Foley (musical terminology for sound effects) we are able to sit down in silence and suspense and do nothing but wait for the sounds of something mystical without the use of creepy and mysterious non-diagetic sounds it would leave the scene dull and inconvenient to watch. It shows the importance of sound, it’s a common technique used to warn the viewers something bad is going to happen leaving the audience in awe of what they’ve just witnessed.

Depending on the genre of game it is, it affects the type of music that would be played for example assassins creed is about drama, thriller, fantasy and action all mixed into one. The use of the ringing bell from the bell tower initiates different moments in the scene from the drama it starts of slow paced but as he moves to eliminate his target the final strike is met with the second ring of the bell. It shows the suspense and tension that you’ll experience during the game the steps heard by the guards the footsteps from the horses running along, the swords clashing as he fights to get free are all essential to the success of the game. game developers also use sound and voice to change the atmosphere in the game, for example to start off the game they’ll use calm and soft instruments to calm the player of the game. A voice-over to explain the story of the character but then also use hard and heavy music to initiate the start of something else e.g. fighting or running away from the enemy. These sounds play a key part in games and even cartoon TV shows because it draws the attention of the person playing the game to concentrate and engage with the scene. In this example you see the use of the music term drone (a long note) that is held down and could be easily changed throughout the scene. It works really well with leading up to climatic scenes. as he moves through the crowd we’re put on edge as the story climatically builds up to the climax. (00:44 – 1:00)

Also suiting the mood of the game, developers choose music depending on how the trailer has been produced, it’s a process that needs to be taken seriously as the sound of the film could differ from the game having a good or bad reputation.

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