ABC Advertising


Successful & Unsuccessful Campaigns.

Heavy Rain Advert


As the play station network team wanted to attract a broader audience for their interactive emotional thriller ‘Heavy Rain’ they went through extreme measures to bring together a surreal experience for their costumers. Having sold a extraordinary amount of ‘95,000’ in the first week of the games release. But whereas the methods of bringing a new type of interactive movie did not really sit well with play stations traditional genres of gaming, their aim was to attract a wider audience as the story line of the game was built to suit the targeting audience of 16-34 year olds. Having the centre theme of the game ‘How far would you go for a loved one’ Statistics show that the game was dedicated around 296,000 channels of YouTube. And is said the game’s outcome changes depending on the path you take.

Audience: Men: C2, D, E

This demographic profile of this group includes men of working class, which are approximately over ten and a half million men in the UK. The men contained in this group are very likely to be more relaxed compared to men, contained in groups of a higher class therefore as a result their media habits remain more consistent. In addition their weekends will be dominated by sporting events (particularly football, rugby and F1), they will also watch a good range of other genres, including Films, general entertainment, reality and comedy.



Xbox uses innovative product placement to connect with TV viewers


As the Xbox team aimed to present their idea to the UM with quite a challenge, even though it had already had been showcased through online videos and adverts. They wanted to demonstrate the product first hand to their customers. Using celebrity stars James Cordon and John Bishop to race each other in a 100m sprint playing Kinect Sports Season 2. It was a pioneering move in the sensitive area of TV legislation, showing just how flexible the product placement rules are and as it shows Statistics that Kinect sports has proved to be the best selling Kinect game of the year. While the sports franchise grew by 42% year on year it’s known to people once they see the brand in action they automatically want to join in on all the fun.

Audience: C2, D, E Male & Female

This group contains both male and females of the working class, with over 11 million C2DE women currently living in the UK; this is one of the largest demographic audiences. It encompasses women from across the age spectrum, from young mums to retirees. For this reason, the range of tastes and preferences within this group are broad. Also which are approximately over ten and a half million men in the UK, The men contained in this group are very likely to be more relaxed compared to men, contained in groups of a higher class family men and women are more likely to engage into their Child’s life playing Xbox etc.



Just Eat 



The challenge of just eat take away service was to drawn in more customers than ever before and they found an effective way to do so. They used online and TV adverts to get there company name well known. Statistics show 25m families in the UK love to order out a take away once a month and Just-Eat wanted to get more families ordering their takeaways through its easy delivery system and this is how they done it, they targeted their audience at peak ordering times and days to reach out to the digitally enthused TV addicts and in result of this orders increased up more 10% overall and also 66% on Saturdays.

Audience: C2, D, E Male & Female

Unsuccessful Campaign

McDonald’s Giveaways: Consumers Not Lovin’ It

McDonald’s advertised toy hummers for children but it backfired because of parents complaining that it would influence their children to actually buy hummers when their older. This was very controversial as McDonald’s fired back with saying that it was just a toy and not to influence children to buy them when they were older.

Audience: Children of C2, D, E Males & Women


For the project on adobe youth voices we had to come up with a poster and in order come up with a poster we had to go through various steps to find out the what our target audience wanted on it. We done secondary research on current themes and colors as well as typography in addition to style and logo’s etc. in order to help us get a idea of how posters are done within adobe youth voices.


As you can see from the two posters below it shows one UN-grouped leaflet that has been created for an event and a grouped leaflet that has been created for the same event. The reason it was shown to us in this way to tell us the common difference between grouping things together to make it look more professional and appealing in addition to leaving it un-grouped will result in it making it look less appealing and unprofessional. I found out this exercise would later on help me in the final stages of putting my poster together.



Color scheme

The reason why we created a moodboard color scheme was to help with our final design to give us a brief idea on what colors it would possibly involve. It also showed the colors that adobe are associated with, it gave us a general idea of what different colors will be on our designs. We had to do background research on variety of different logos that was related to adobe youth voices colors. This type of research will benefit of how our final poster comes out.

Using the eyedropper tool


In the second moodboard I created it helped me get a understanding of different type of fonts that would help us use the correct font for my poster this would make it easier to put my poster together in the time given instead of researching.


For this moodboard we researched on the different types of logos used within adobe and that would help us create our own design. It gave us an idea on how creative we can be with it and how important it is to create a design that would be eye catching.

Changed the shapes  

After we finished our moodboard we were asked to create 3 possible ideas that would become our final design, we used our current moodboards to help us create our posters from nothing. All 3 posters we’re inspired by our youth’s vision and how effective posters can be to the target audience.

Here below are my 3 main ideas

Final design


This is my final design. Its simple very easy to understand and interpret and also to pinpoint useful information for my clients of Adobe Youth Voices. I think it will be up to adobe youth voices standards as it holds the colors represented by adobe.

Anti-Smoking Campaign.

1. Do you smoke?


2. What’s your opinion on smoking?


3. Has anyone is your family suffered from cancer?


4. What makes this poster effective?


5. Who is the target audience of this campaign?


Analyze of focus group/Conclusion

With the feedback I got from my questionnaire it seems that the poster sent a positive message to the target audience. The poster shows a man turning into ashes, in some way along the line of smoking you’ll eventually kill yourself, killing yourself from the inside out.  (I think this is what the poster is trying to portray), the denotation of the picture is what it seems a man suffering from the effects of smoking, what this man is trying to show their target audience is that giving up is the biggest struggle one could possibly goo through. it seems like my audience understand the consequences of smoking but are assured that if one smokes its there choice and they take full responsibility with everything that comes with it.

ABC Award Level 3


Creating Advertising Campaigns


Quantitative Research:


Is a type of research that includes, figures and statistics, surveys and customer questionnaires that can help companies determine the success of the product/film. It’s a way of measuring the incidence of various amounts of views and opinions by the general public. And in result all the data found will be used in a final course of action.

Qualitative Research:


Whereas Quantitative research is used for figures and generalized results, qualitative research is used to gain a simple but knowledgeable understanding of peoples views and opinions to undercover prevalent trends in thought and opinion  


Primary Research:


Refers to getting raw information first hand, it consists of original data you’ve collected yourself using various methods. For example a questionnaire or interview.


Secondary Research:


Is a widely method way of collecting data, it consists of accessing information that has been already (finding information from a third party source) for example. The Internet, research reports, magazine articles and other sources.


Data Gathering Agencies: 


Data gathering agencies are known to provide quantitative and qualitative information on all major areas of a person’s economic and social development for company’s audience research.


Purpose Of Research


Audience Research:  


The purpose of audience research is to gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the audience that’s been targeted. Its essential for an advertising company to do background research of their target in order for their product to be successful.



Market Research:

Market research has seen to be important and an essential part of any business company that offers a product or a service to the public. Good decisions are made out of the data collected by the research, its been known to minimize the risk of complications and the feedback received from your consumers are the most important as it allows you to alter the things that went wrong. And more importantly improving on the product or service.

Production Research:

Production research is data gathering and finding information that can be used to explore the many if not all the facets on how a certain play does and how well it performs while being shown to the public and how the buy rates and ticket sales numbers are doing. The end result for this depicts whether or not the play should remain longer or to be cancelled earlier or to be moved to another city in order to get better buy-rate numbers.

Adobe Youth Voices

By Caleo, Daniel & Dijle


We researched about BT, Charity and Heavy Rain.

The research about BT helped us because we saw that they used a real life situations into a story line for people to see in their advert, shows that BT understands their customers. This attracts the customers because BT has a solution to their problem, BT was very successful in their campaign which really influenced us. (Caleo)

The research about Save The Children helped us realise that how good they use emotive language to make people feel guilty about the children. This is good in a way because they get more help as they make people feel sorry which will help their business  to have higher achievements. They influence us because if we use emotive language then we can easily connect to our audience. (Djlie)

The research on Heavy Rain allowed us to connect with a different type of audience like adobe youth voices, what the makers of the game aimed to achieve was to explore a more surreal emotional experience for their gamers, it allowed you to control the destiny of the character. Whatever decisions you made changed the outcome of the story. In contrast I felt that the government had a say in how our lives planned out in result of them changing university funds it effected us in a big way and we couldn’t do anything about that. (Daniel)



Graphs from the questionnaire

We made a questionnaire to find out what 15 teenagers aged 15-21 to see what they have in common and what they do in their spare time, this questionnaire helped us create our ad as we know when to show it and what channel to show it on. we found out what teenagers liked by using primary research for example BARB use surveys to know what teenagers like so we did the same.

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We created three mood boards to concentrate on the colour scheme, typography and graphics. This helped with our final poster as we had an existing client design

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