Unit 4 – Evaluation And Reflection

Week 1 – 


In the start of the dream project  i thought of laying out the foundation by doing research on dreams and different types that were also connected, i looked at ancient history, to figure out and gain a broader understanding of how relevant dreams were compared to how its embraced in today’s society also what they thought it mean’t and how it was perceived. I took relevant work from the previous year that I’d done that i’d thought would  help me towards progressing this year. I don’t yet have a concrete idea, but right now i’m indecisive about all the random and different thoughts scattered around, thinking about how feasible and realistically about the ideas that i’ll have to recreate.

Week 2- 


After researching on dreams i noted down some potential but not yet concrete ideas  that I’ve thought of, also looking about different forms of media and how they go about dreams also how they’re often portrayed the dream, for me it’s enabled me to gain an even further understanding about how other people perceive them. For my own projects I’ve chosen the mediums I’ll experiment in – photography, Screenwriting, film. I’ve narrowed down my ideas to some of the most realistically ideas, i plan of continuously throughout the weeks of this project to ask for  feedback so i’d be able to bring out the best in them and continue my various research on dreams.

Week 3 – 

I have asked for feedback on my ideas from family members, my piers and the general public i conducted an interview with my piers trying to find out the initial first thoughts when it comes to dreams because i have seen with the different people, we all hold different but similar values and ideals and growing up in a religious or atheist household peoples interpretations would altar so understanding their ideas or thoughts on the subject with allow me to again understand the way of peoples minds  a little bit better, helping me reconnoiter different opinions on the same topic and draw conclusions from it. I’ve also started on my rough copy of my personal statement.

David showed us different forms of portraying dreams through  After Effects, as you can see in my Unit 2  Development I’ve written about my progress and how things changed and altered since a week ago. Going  to the Tate Britain gallery, opened up my mind to so much creative forms of portraying different words and meanings i  did research on paintings, looking at a artist that goes by the name of Dholl art associating them with dreams and how he portrays them. I recently took a trip to Hampstead Health to see if i could capture shots for the photography pathway as it seemed to some way look relevant on one of my ideas, I continued on my research task looking into films such as enter the void, inception, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind as they all proved themselves to be mindbogglingly helpful when it came to adding additional research to my film pathway I concluded I wanted to produce an calm mood with my video pathway project.

It was inspiring to see all kinds of art, the gallery helped me think of my own ideas in more depth, also helped me think of stories that i could turn into screenplays.

Week 4 –

David taught us masking techniques in After Effects; I created a 6 second video i also created a screen recordings of me n one of my piers experimenting in more depth the advantages of masking it proved to be a big help.
I also finished my first personal statement draft, I’ve given it to many people that have studied film production in recent years and i believe they’ll turn out  to be a big help. I’ve also been advised on what to expect during an interview and what things i should include in my portfolio

I received feedback from Amina on my personal statement, which is very helpful in order to improve my first draft.

Week 5

24th of October, we visited the Brixton Ritzy cinema and saw the film  Beasts of the Southern Wild, which made me think more critically about the world and how the world has changed dramatically over the years i really enjoyed analyzing the the music used and it made me realize the importance of the music within film and how scenes can be magnified onto bigger scale with soft melody’s.

25th of October, we went to the Stratford Picture House and saw a few short films from foreign countries. It really was a eye opener being able to under the culture and creativity of the countries, i was really inspired by the short films and i feel that it has had a positive impact on the way i view the world of film.


I’ve completed my UCAS application I’ve found it very interesting but also stressful completing the application trying to perfect my personal statement and also choosing the right universities, i decided to get it done as soon as possible as the deadline of the project is nearing also so that i could focus on pathways more without having to worry about my UCAS application.


I’ve started to take more interest in my photography experiments  (UNIT 2) and I’ve noticed big improvements in my style of photography, i created a look book holding my photography experiments. Since going to the photography lessons with Roxanne I’ve thought about building a portfolio containing all my photographs she also helped me with the style of using manual settings on my canon i will practice more out of college to try perfect my skills I’ve taken in recent weeks.  Its helped me think along the terms of cinematography since I’ve become interested in that area of work i decided to research a few that has caught my eye.

With Roxanne we analyzed the work of famous photographers and begin to see the story behind each photograph and the message that was being shown.


I’ve decided to use a film we done back when we first started the project to use as one of my   film pathway; I wasn’t filming much during the duration of the time we had for the project i could say i used up most of it doing research and developing the ideas instead of actually doing the experiments the film is quite ambiguous the story line ain’t so clear but as a dream nothing really makes sense up until you wake up thinking about what it could mean. I encountered a issue the very first time i recorded the voice over for my film, there was a beeping sound in the background at first i thought there was something wrong with the recorder but i then went back later with mark only to find out that the beeping sound came deep within the wall. So i had to record it again in a different area of the college.


Mark told a classmate to check over my project pages  and gave me her feedback on the work, while i did the same on her blog. She told me that it was very well formatted the research was good. He also told us to create another separate page for our bibliography

I feel personally i have improved my skills in terms of using my camera for photography also just in the way i think daily on different topics relating to media or just the world in general, I’ve gained understanding of many theories i thought nothing of heard and learned about many new photograph artists and as a result i think i was able to gain a broader understanding of such greatly respected minds because through this all i have been able to solve certain issues and problems that related to the world of art and film.

As a result of this whole project i think i’ll be able to use these certain experiences as a stepping stone towards doing greater things in time. I have found out a lot about my skills and perhaps some of my weaknesses and also learnt an exploration of various styles, software, options Like masking through After Effects also Green Screen through Final Cut Pro also sound editing with Logic Pro, The use of my camera  equipment has improved drastically, I just feel like nothing is off limits and i feel that doing the experiments gave me that opportunity to try out new things that i probably would’t do in my own time, i feel like I’ve learnt about a new part of myself through all the research I enjoyed this part of the project as It  increased my own knowledge into dreams, development and doing the experiments each benefited me in a positive way. Working on such an  subject like dreams proved to be difficult at times it felt like i was making no progress with the research but once i stared to look at the interpretation of each person that i had interviewed or just had a discussion with proved to clear my mind of all the doubt, i feel that when it comes to the next project i will keep on top of things i would’t fall into the same pattern of leaving the actual filming to last minute.


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