UAL Research Unit 1

Unit 1


In this Unit we will explore in depth the relationship between a re-constructed world to reality. And how creatively and uniquely we can alter our dimensions through Photography, Film, Sound and animation. Also research thoroughly the concept, meaning and mortal understanding of dreams. I will conduct a experiment of filming a small documentary containing contents of people’s justified opinions on the matter and their ideals and values of their soul meaning.


1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
2. A daydream; a reverie.
3. A state of abstraction; a trance.
4. A wild fancy or hope.
5. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration: a dream of owning their own business.
6. One that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful: Our new car runs like a dream.
v. dreamed or dreamt (drmt), dream·ing, dreams

1. To experience a dream in sleep: dreamed of meeting an old friend.
2. To daydream.
3. To have a deep aspiration: dreaming of a world at peace.
4. To regard something as feasible or practical: I wouldn’t dream of trick skiing on icy slopes.

1. To experience a dream of while asleep: Did it storm last night, or did I dream it?
2. To conceive of; imagine.
3. To pass (time) idly or in reverie.
My Definition:
An Unconscious reality were your in control of the outcome, based on thoughts, Emotions. Re-created situations or events. Are we in control of our dreams? ‘Dreams are yours to alter’ a thought that came to mind when i thought of the mere possibility of being in control of a alternate reality were ‘anything can happen’ it can also be viewed from a religious point of view, it has been suggested that god uses dreams, our unconscious state to revel himself to us. To communicate to our unconscious mind.
Dreams are excursions into the limbo of things, a semi-deliverance from the human prison.
Amiel’s Journal The Journal Intime of Henri-Frederic Amiel, (3 Dec 1872), trans. By Mrs Humphry Ward (1889),131.
“Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.”
“Anything you want it to be”
“We ever long for visions of beauty,
We ever dream of unknown worlds.”
“Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream” (Num. 12:6).
These Quotes suggest to me that there’s more than what the human mind could comprehend, there’s more to the world that we don’t understand more to knowledge that we can’t translate, our unconscious reality is just at the tip of the border lines of our spiritual world/Understanding in the following weeks.
Study on Sleep paralysis –
Sleep paralysis is established as a phenomenon in which people experience when before awakening or when falling asleep a inability to move caused by a muscle atonia (Muscle weakness) and is most common when experiencing a nightmare which then causes one to not move due to the paralysis. Which links to sleep disorders narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apena which is recognized as an neurological sleeping disorder that is most commonly affected by  a number of genetic mutations or “abnormalities that affect specific biologic factors in the brain, combined with an environmental trigger during the brain’s development, such as a virus.” but in addition to obstructive sleep apena “It is characterized by repetitive pauses in breathing during sleep, despite the effort to breathe, and is usually associated with a reduction in blood oxygen saturation These pauses in breathing, called “apneas” (literally, “without breath”), typically last 20 to 40 seconds.”    


Sigmund Freud known as the founding father of psychoanalysis, studying his theories will allow me to build on my development and understanding of the human mind also allow me to think of my own theories relating to dreams and the how the brain interacts when asleep, Psychoanalysis is a mix of both physiological psycho therapeutic theories and techniques and one of the many theories they came up with was that a child’s personality development is based on events in their early childhood. I could agree with this statement because for example if a child happens to encounter a traumatic experience, i believe the lost of a parent could stunt overall or altar the way a child develops mentally and emotionally he may become scared to love or get attached to anyone knowing they could be taken away at anytime, also depending on how the badly the experience effects the child and how he deals with positively or negatively also changes the outcome of the situation. What really caught my attention  was written by Freud in his book “The Interpretations Of Dreams” in his book he talks about the possibilities of what dreams could mean

” Sigmund Freud’s first argued that the motivation of all dream content is wish-fulfillment, and that the instigation of a dream is often to be found in the events of the day preceding the dream, which he called the “day residue.” In the case of very young children, Freud claimed, this can be easily seen, as small children dream quite straightforwardly of the fulfillment of wishes that were aroused in them the previous day (the “dream day”). In adults, however, the situation is more complicated—since in Freud’s submission, the dreams of adults have been subjected to distortion, with the dream’s so-called “manifest content” being a heavily disguised derivative of the “latent” dream-thoughts present in the unconscious. As a result of this distortion and disguise, the dream’s real significance is concealed: dreamers are no more capable of recognizing the actual meaning of their dreams than hysterics are able to understand the connection and significance of their neurotic symptoms.”

Here a list Freud’s possible theories that may or may not be proven to be the reason for how we dream and what we dream of.

  • “condensation – one dream object stands for several associations and ideas; thus “dreams are brief, meager and laconic in comparison with the range and wealth of the dream-thoughts.”
  • Displacement – a dream object’s emotional significance is separated from its real object or content and attached to an entirely different one that does not raise the censor’s suspicions.
  • Visualization – a thought is translated to visual images.
  • Symbolism – a symbol replaces an action, person, or idea.”

Carl Jung was a “psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology. Jung proposed and developed the concepts of extroversion and introversion; archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, philosophy, archeology, anthropology, literature, and related fields.”

Carl Jung believed Freud’s notion of dreams as representations of unfulfilled wishes to be simplistic and naive. Jung argued that Freud’s procedure of collecting associations to a dream would bring insights into the dreamer’s mental complex—a person’s associations to anything will reveal the mental complexes, as Jung had shown experimentally but not necessarily closer to the meaning of the dream. Jung was convinced that the scope of dream interpretation was larger, reflecting the richness and complexity of the entire unconscious, both personal and collective. Jung believed the psyche to be a self-regulating organism in which conscious attitudes were likely to be compensated for unconsciously (within the dream) by their opposites.

In the review of Freud’s book Carl Jung stayed respectful and analytical in reviewing his own thoughts of the concept of dreams, reading through his text it stated that representations of dreams were simplistic and naive i also believed that there was more to that hadn’t been explained or just looked down on because of what his religious status was. As a christian i personally believe that god sends messages through our dreams, so they can be interpreted. I believe what we see is more than what it is, when believing in a higher existence our minds open up to the countless possibilities of receiving a testimony from God. We are put on a destined path that is altered through the countless decisions we make everyday, the source of our good will and commendable behavior is because god teachers us to be accepting to all of this world, learn, love, dream, thrive to become what we’ve been put on earth to do.


The aim of constructing my series of questions was initially to find out the source of which defined peoples ability to carefully and artistically open up their minds to a higher reality where anything is possible. through my interviews you’ll see the different optimistic opinions on how their personality reflects the way they’ve defined the word ‘Dream’ How their views and beliefs changes their opinion also how they grew to understand the world through media outlets and professional opinions.


Are you in control of your dreams?

Are your dreams Vivid?

Negative or Positive?

What is your definition of dreams?

What does it mean to you?

Do you think your personality reflects on what you dream of? Or how creatively constructed it is?

Through these questions i plan to carefully put together a questionnaire that will allow me to gain more understanding of the definition of dreams also how religious backgrounds effect the mindset of an answer.

I put together a survey that proved to help me with people’s understanding of dreams, i also found out that based on the religious backgrounds of the people that had taken the survey all thought along the lines of dreams being a vision from God. Also dreams prophesying futures of their loved ones.

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Through this type of research i was able to gather essential information based on dreams, how people view dreams what it means to them and how it relates back to their life i believe conducting a questionnaire played a big part, also producing and directing an small documentary that opened my mind to the different opinions and beliefs based on their different culture, how they were raised and what they were taught growing up.

The aim of constructing my series of questions was initially to find out the source of which defined peoples ability to carefully and artistically open up their minds to a higher reality where anything is possible. through my interviews you’ll see the different optimistic opinions on how their personality reflects the way they’ve defined the word ‘Dream’ How their views and beliefs changes their opinion also how they grew to understand the world through media outlets and professional opinions.

Research into the Cultural Meaning?

It was written in history that dreams had a deeper meaning than what we only hear that the Mesopotamians of this past world believed parts of the persons soul would leave their bodies and visit the authentic places and people that the dreamer imagined in his mind. It was understood that the “God of dreams” would be the one to carry them within their unconscious state and would be the one to guide them through it all. Babylonians and Assyrians did what made perfect sense at the time, dividing dream states into two possible categories depending on your religion and faith, Good dreams being sent by the Gods and nightmares by the demons. Ancient history gives us uncountable knowledge and insight on dreams. and how dreams were more of a gift than a curse and those lucky enough to dream vividly was considered special and blessed, as far back as 2000BC the Egyptians apprehended the  the raw reality of dreams being a inferring message from God without any irrationalities, immortalizing their belief about the prospect of inducing dreams was the only way to “Receive divine revelation” with that in my head my opinion remains skeptic about the confabulation of the meaning of dreams.

– UMAIYA KHAWAJA – As a Musim, I believe that all dreams have significant meaning behind it. God is communicating and sending us a message in our sleep. This impacts on our lives as certain dreams connote strong meaning. For example, if you dream of snakes it would most probably mean that one is being turned against by their friends and God is a sending a message to be careful with trusting people. This impacts your life as the people who you trust are those who you want to stay with long term but because of the wrong people you may lead to the wrong path. Avoiding these people will then lead on to being a pious person and being saved a space in heaven.

Ervin Kurtaj – As a atheist I believe that dreams are a way for us to explore our deepest fears and desires, I think it is a subconscious message from our own mind showing us what  we can do in our lives to improve ourselves or to help others around us. Being a non religious person, I think dreams were initially developed in humans due to consumption of psychedelic substances very early in our evolution as humans. This is how I feel our early ancestors began to think of gods and demons, also I believe that these spiritual characters were first seen in our dreams or perhaps in psychedelic episodes caused by these ancient plants. The sole purpose of dreams is to allow  your mind to free and forget about what is morally right or wrong.

When i hear the term ‘dreams’ i think of the abundance between reality and our unconscious mind, what they mean? how they seem fit to relate to our past/future? how they can be translated through different forms of media. I believe through dreams we’re able to unlock our most creative side. the film ‘Inception’ is evidence to my previous statement it explores the concept of the digging into a persons mind to find out lost secrets, fears, and memories also finding the possibility of getting lost in limbo. I’m sure as time goes by my personal opinion will evidently evolve as I’ll gain a broader understanding.

Research on Film –

Since the invention of film the pattern used of recording moving images has been film.(“A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images.”) Movies, Documentaries were shot, edited and projected using photochemical film but over the past two decades many issues has been raised. Of why recording images digitally was the start of a new groundbreaking era also challenging the photochemical filmmaking? The documentary side by side “explores what has been gained, what is lost, and what the future might bring.” To the world of filmmaking.

It has been witnessed that since the start of filmmaking using film was the traditional way of recording images the process used was known and based on blind faith as the camera used to record photons of light, through the lights captured its recorded as it enters the lens and hits a frame of film that contains grains of silver halide crystals that chemically reacts with the lights that turn into silver metals in result of that an image is recorded. On the contrary was only able to record for 10+ minutes implementing more money was spent of buy more film magazines, but in hindsight giving the film crew a natural break to reload the new film take a breather and start filming again however if the director wanted to view the footage he had to wait for the following day as it had to be processed in a film lab, developed over night and printed. Many film directors and cinematographers have referred to that way of filming as “painting with the lights off” but also many treasure the anticipation the raw texture of the film, the excitement “the magic” of being able to create something from the mind of the cinematographer. The pure art of bringing an idea, concept to life gave the film industry a thrill of having raw belief in the cinematographer’s artistic vision. It played a fundamental part in many films that were shot on film.



M. Night Shyamalan director of “After Earth” brings a strong bond of father and son to a desolated planet as their relationship experiences extreme strain. The poster is intriguing, full of vibrant colors that bring the story into life; the use of big bold writing located in the center of the poster adds an dramatic effect to it. Within this film we experience a ponderous amount of back to back events that coincide with the themes of reality and tremor that can relate to dreams.


J.J. Adams Creator of both “Lost & Super 8” is back at it again with the on going fan fiction saga the New Star Trek Into Darkness. The poster foretells the destruction of earth as they know it the trails and tribulations they have to overcome is plastered into a still image adding a climatic effect into the eyes and souls of the viewers. its artistically constructed to open up the minds to possibility, dreams has no limits no trials no errors that we’re not able to overcome or perfect. the main character “Kirk” stands in the equidistant of the wreckage. Displaying his confidence and pure desire of saving the world, a world created with time perfected by artists it just shows how our unconscious mind brings out the most brilliance


Both main characters of the harry potter saga fill the poster will light and darkness the poster is full of lean vibrant colors that elevates the desire and compassion of the audience. The burnt dust from the fire flows around the two main characters as it portrays the destruction of two worlds connected by an unfortunate event. also the gray scale coloring which is maintained throughout the film symbolizes the darker tone and the somber of the main character. through the trails he’s put through. throughout the film harry is put through mental strain of being connected to darkness it gradually turns into an undying nightmare but like any dream he sees sense in the light he believes in.



 The beginning of something, such as an undertaking; a commencement.

1. The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived.
2. Ancestry: “We cannot escape our origins, however hard we try” (James Baldwin).
3. The fact of originating; rise or derivation: The rumor had its origin in an impulsive remark.
4. Anatomy The point of attachment of a muscle that remains relatively fixed during contraction.
5. Mathematics The point of intersection of coordinate axes, as in the Cartesian coordinate system.

– Christopher Nolan’s Inception demonstrates the art of SFX and the use of artistic interpretations of how dreams are used to explore the depth of humanity, how we as humans protect our darkest secrets within our own mind, locking it away deep enough that only when our conscious mind is dormant that our unconscious mind is awakened with our history. Within this motion picture we’re able to interpret and distinguish how we can display dreams through different types of media.

it was aforementioned that

“In Inception, Nolan wanted to explore “the idea of people sharing a dream space…That gives you the ability to access somebody’s unconscious mind. What would that be used and abused for?”The majority of the film’s plot takes place in these interconnected dream worlds. This structure creates a framework where actions in the real or dream worlds ripple across others. The dream is always in a state of production, and shifts across the levels as the characters navigate it.By contrast, the world of The Matrix (1999) is an authoritarian, computer-controlled one, alluding to theories of social control developed by Michel Foucault and Jean Baudrillard. Nolan’s world has more in common with the works of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.

Nolan himself said, “I tried to work that idea of manipulation and management of a conscious dream being a skill that these people have. Really the script is based on those common, very basic experiences and concepts, and where can those take you? And the only outlandish idea that the film presents, really, is the existence of a technology that allows you to enter and share the same dream as someone else.”

Train Scene – In this abrupt scene we encounter an untimely steam train riding through the city as Cobb enters the mind of business entrepreneur Robert Fischer to plant vital information that will in hindsight spread like bacteria, forming into a idea that would change a big decision and the course of his world. this suggests that their can be defects once we’ve fell astray from our conscious mind, intermittently not having full control over our thoughts we could be lead anywhere, be put through bad situations and costly encounters that moreover could jeopardize a paramount operation. Once they’ve entered the mind of Robert Fischer somewhere in his unconscious mind  has been trained to fight off “extractors” this issue uncovers another conflict that extends the length of the mission.

Zero Gravity – In this elegantly constructed scene Christopher Nolan carefully pulls simultaneously together two action sequences that have been connected through the depth of the dream. Every slight movement coincides with the gravity  and stability of what happens within first dream this sequence when Arthur has to battle his way out of a fight that suddenly changes when the van their asleep in gets hit continuously by the enemy  that forces them to drift and eventually is knocked off the road tumbling down the side of the road the gravity shifts so his world is no longer intact. this can have a significant meaning when exploring the art of dreams, building fortresses from memories and unresolved worlds where anything goes.

Explaining the dream world – Christopher Nolan a visionary i believe chose this scene to explore in depth the concept of dreams, using scientific propaganda to envision what really ain’t there, the slight of hand used to perfection baffled the audience. He was able to transfer our minds to another world without ever realized we left ours, with this he sat us down and explained his theory therefore revealed his opinion on dreams. The art of the world was built on a blank canvas, he used the indispensable skill of an architect to lay out his blue print. Cobb explains the how and possibility of being able to reconstruct a theory that allows a machine to start a new revolution. It started off as a way of training members of the army but newly found a way of extracting information from people.

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I feel this scene exploits the use of dreams and how power could be shifted, how effective a story could play out without a consequence. In this scene we witness the struggle and anger of a man that nearly lost his son we can see how he loses control of the situation as he picks the hockey stick to swing at man’s son in my opinion the director could of changed the way the scene ended also how it started, the scene could of happened without the slow motion but we can see with it, it brings out the emotions of each characters. zooms up onto their facial expression, also how our body naturally reacts. It seems when we tend to see things in slow motion in our dreams we have time to react to like instinctively but in reality things tend to happen at a faster pace the human brain can’t recollect. while watching this scene i thought i could use this or something similar to attempt to recreate

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Only God Forgives

The reason i wanted to analyze this scene is because i wanted to pick up on the excellent use of lighting and how its used to change the volume of the atmosphere or  maximize it, the use of red and black enhances each of their facial expressions also the depth of the scene. The whole natural feel of this film is almost lost because the of the lack of dialogue with this it allows the audience to engage emotionally and mentally, trying to understand the film becomes harder but it opens the mind to much more. Dreams hold no boundaries also like this film, we pick up on the little things that create dynamic interpretations allowing us think of and visualize or even interpret the resolution. Because of the lack of dialogue scenes become more dream like then reality, creating that illusion what you’re watching is actually a dream.

Again we see this pace of the film slowed down and reposed, the use of the same pastoral colors are useful in terms of creating a more chilled vibe and also the use of usual things surrounding them.

Sound in moving film

The way sound is used in film, games, adverts and many different and creative ways is done in a way that keeps the consumer or viewer involved and engaged in the product or film. It is used in a tactical way to build and fill the room with a “happy or sad” type of atmosphere depending on how and what your product is for or about. Whereas if its used in a film it’ll be used for a more higher purpose for example in a scene where one of the characters parents or friends might have sadly passed away they’ll use non-diagetic music maybe a sweet piano melody, to fill the atmosphere with the emotions surrounding the room that cant be portrayed though speech. Or a slow paced build up to a climatic scene there engages the audience. But In most cases they use a mixture of diagetic and non-diagetic sounds to suit the setting of which the characters are communicating in.

Here is an example of a type of technique used to build up a climatic scene from a film (project x) as the students roam through the halls of their high school we hear non-diagetic music that feels the room with much happiness, as it adds to the mood of the characters giving us the audience a relaxing feel to such a tense film. Chaotic themes blending with comedy.

(01:21:05 – 01:26:59)

Along with other sounds used for SFX films we generally need more non-diagetic sound as they’re no longer in the real world as they explore the genre of fantasy and mystery, for example this scene from (Avatar) shows us just how powerful the music in this scene is and how much it adds to the scene and how music can change the mood of the viewer and how it plays the difference between reality and fantasy. It also makes the scene more believable and moving, also the use of sound allows the audience to hear for example the breaking of trees the explosions the steps of horses the screams of little children the cries of all those dumbfounded and lost I think it’s a good example of how music plays a big part of the film industry.

Hans Zimmer –

The masterpiece of inception wouldn’t have been completed if it wasn’t for the art from Hans Zimmer altogether his sound brought forth the life of the motion picture, sewing together the scenes connecting the cord from the reality from the dream. the fast paced melody counteracted with the movements of the action sequence, the slow paced melody reached out to the audience and grabbed our hearts along with putting us in a psychological trace that allowed us to feel at ease while slowly uncovering the canvas.


Research into Art based on dreams.

” The nightmare” by Henry Fuseli (1781)
“is thought to be one of the classic depictions of sleep paralysis perceived as a demonic visitation.”
In my opinion is the best visual representation of the worded meaning of sleep paralysis.
The depth of the nightmare is drawn to perfection, most of our dramatic nightmares most commonly don’t involve demonic spirits, i believe based on your faith as a believer in god is strongly a reason why we dream what we dream. As non-believes its more realistic to believe in witches and myths like “bloody-mary” or “candyman” which  become their nightmares.
Vladimir Kush –
“(born 1965) is a Russian born surrealist painter and sculptor. He studied at the Surikov Moscow Art Institute, and after several years working as an artist in Moscow, his native city, he emigrated to the United States, eventually establishing his own gallery on the island of Maui in Hawaii. His oil paintings are also sold as giclée prints which contributed to his popularity and led to the establishment of further galleries in Laguna Beach, California and Las Vegas, Nevada  In 2011 Kush won the First Prize in Painting at the Artistes du Monde international exhibition in Cannes.”
Here are three images that caught my attention
His paintings are mostly full of color as we can see, the use of different things at random almost put together in the most hypercritically way, i feel this is how he expresses his use of communication and creativity that part of the dream that is surely most useful when asleep, when we’re unable to piece things together In our dreams hardly anything seems to make sense, we lose our sense of time and surroundings our sense of smell that helps us during out day to day life, the brain proved as one of unrepairable organs is our control center, the place where our minds wonders endlessly.
I feel surrealist artists tend to explore a various amount of themes that may, or may not make perfect sense this in particular image brings a comforting feeling,  a chance to relax mentally and emotionally this hot air balloon that’s being held up by nothing but clouds that’s set in front of the sun setting, mountains allows the audience to feel relaxed. We see two people on the edge of a cliff that seem to be enjoying the view, embracing the beauty of the natural world evident to them.
Rain by Vladimir Kush
Unlike the other images I’ve seen from Vladimir this one seems to be the most unusual as it seems people are dancing or worshiping the clouds that are connected to the volcano, he uses dark shades of red and light shades of or purple to affix the colors together auspiciously.
I feel this image carries a discombobulated atmosphere because of the fact the clouds that surrounds the boat looks like the coast of an island, there are many boats that seem to be using the base of the clouds as a port, we know because of studies and science and how the world was created clouds don’t lower themselves. So it seems either Kush drew the sun setting at the edge of the earth or the boats are levitating.
This image gives off an inconceivable illusion it seems that we’re being looked down at through a dark tunnel but at the same time i feel through that we’re able to mask the beauty of the moon.
Dholl Art

headsource_killing_dreams_by_dholl-d2xjg9n“Headsource-Killing Dreams”

In this art above artistically constructed by an artist of the name of Dholl I’m able to visualize and interpret the world of dreams, its sins and hopes the notes of the living presence of life within a world that don’t exist and the dying world of the undead that seems to be disintegrating, vigorously I’m able to gain a acute understanding of how artists understand and visualize their world of dreams.



Another image forged by the same artist composed with the same color schemes announce the prospect of a dark world, i sense that the artist is trying to portray a undying end to a nightmare initially a young girl frightened by the thought of being captured by the dead seems sincere enough to expose the truth about what dreams can apprehend and parsimoniously could foretell about a child’s thoughts and deepest fears.


“The Awakening”

I believe the source of power that unravels the moral of this painting is the dark submerged terror in the aftermath of coming out of a nightmare by the skin of our teeth, its subdued representation of dreams counteracts the origin of our human nature but due to the certitude of our imagination, the scale of what can and cannot be created could not be so easily measured without the defining the fine work of the human mind.


“Dreaming Awake”

This artistic representation of dreaming could easily relate to the nomenclature of day dreaming and all its functions, we see in his irrevocable facial expression and the embossed height of his arms that he is engulfed in his own sanctuary, apart from whats real but at the heels of his alternate reality.

Nagi Hideyuki (Hide)

Is a Japanese born artist that specializes in the art form for 3D drawing. Lucky enough i was able to come across another artist uses his unconscious imagination in a benefiting way. expressing his subterranean thoughts of his deep rooted fears and tribulations.

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In this prodigious body of work I’m able to integer a different interpretation to what this piece of work could intentionally mean, this art may coincide with dreams holding a significant meaning to it, dreams being what it is our  consecrated paradise where our deepest fears become a possible reality. This particular piece shows a doll without gender being  pseudonymously embraced by an anonymous source behind bars. With one arm gripped onto the bar and the other stretched out it also seems like it a cry for help.

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Through this drawing i visualize an recurring dream all that is happening in a unconscious state of terror i see the raw destruction of the walls that seems to be the only way in or out, it seems like the people placed on the one road that leads to anywhere are stuck, frozen in time not wanting to wonder anymore trying to find a way out of this broken dream. i see the the cracks that have been placed all throughout the piece maybe symbolizing the corruption of this dream, the heartfelt darkness has surrounded the piece with the shadows covering the base of the stairs also the entrance of the walls. this allows the person viewing this piece to envision the outcome of this  story.  where if they may have a dark mind it could coincide with the gates of hell but bright mind the entrance to utopia.

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This classic image could hold many deep and dark secrets as a wooden box stands still on the tongue of the beast, mouth stretched, head pulled back interlocked into the walls, eyes strained I’m able to conceptualize the structured meaning of this art piece faced in a tenebrous encounter here, at the end of the tongue holds the enlightened solution to a kids nightmare.

Tate Britan Gallerly


As apart of our research task we was asked to find images and sculptures within the art exhibition that could relate back to our work and that could also inspire our creativity.


“Where’s The Muck” Mark Wallinger

The reason i chose to take a photograph of this masterpiece is the caliginious saneness of authority behind it, what it could of possibly meant to the world at the time as a consequence of how this image sparked the light the triggered the motion of a chain of events Margret Thatcher the leader of great Britain at the time was at center of the stage when all this occurred, in relation to dreams in my intrinsic opinion i believe this image holds much significance to it in how people interpret dreams furthermore how vital every journey in their life is.


Through a series of contrasting colors it relinquishes the ideal of having a positive dream, the artist uses the different shades of colors to form a image in our minds it also resembles the color of a rainbow also mixed colors from the northern lights could unquestionably represent a imaginative dream.


In this spotless alluring image the artist perfects the ability to meticulously blend and smudge phosphorescent colors giving off an blurred image, in correlation to dreams I’m able to understand the type of dream this could represent. a dream unable to understand with the eyes because of the hardship


Research into Poems


 Mark R Slaughter.

Over there
In parallel time,
This brain –

Neuronal palimpsest
In striptease
Blood-red dawn to dying dusk;
The husk of bone
Stays the swelling
Of the soul
Within its hellish crypt –

Ironically dimensionless:

Dark deep,
An independent entity
Along the promenade,
Tacky yard of tacky lives
In non-existence,
A shard of me in tow,

Then scurries back to
Promiscuity –
She drools, anticipating –
Poised legs of cogitation
Tingle, brim, desperate –
The imminence of dreams

Such a well-warn bed,
Where fucks with notion, thought,
Spark an orgy
While the conscious blacks in head
And eyes;
Mulling making sense
Beyond the lies against
Reality – whatever that might be –
(But matters not
In abstract dreams) :

Forebrain greys in waking;
I’ve not a word to tell it! –
Where’s the poet?

Within this poem i believe a story has been told about a promiscuous prostitute that lowers her authority within a dream but the poet knows no knowledge of his existence or purpose within her reality.


Tutorial – In this video i plan to explain and explore the advantages of masking within adobe after effects and successfully mask a different background into a still image. At first i found it difficult understanding the concept and skills acquired of masking but after going through it with a fellow student things became more clearer and i was able to come out with this.

While constructing this i thought about time and history and what it meant to a younger generation, about peace and internal happiness, how it can all be linked together using after effects i felt it was a bit rushed but the concept was at the center i never forgot about what i was trying to portray and get out of the whole project. I thought i could try experiment

 Zav – You need sound to paper the cracks and also the video needs to be more fluent.

Ervin – You need to adjust the transitional effects and make the ending more climatic.

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