Pre Production – Loyalty



JORDAN CANTENBURY (age 23) is a hardworking handsome looking man who loves his girlfriend very dearly. However, having to deal with his father abusing his mother for most of his childhood, reflects on his actions as he tries to avoid turning out like his father.

SUMMER WALTERS (Age 21)is Jordan’s girlfriend. shes caught between living two lifestyles having suffered with low self esteem issues causing her to act the she does in her life now. these two lifestyles refer to two different guys. 1 being her boyfriend the other being her ex.

AARON WHITTS, grew up with summer, whilst catching feelings for her as they grew together. Since loosing her after he moved abroad, he now makes his return to get her back. but he doesn’t know that she is currently in a relationship.




baby you know I love you right.





(Pasting up and down the bedroom contemplating whether she should contact her ex or remain faithful)

(Sits on the edge of the bed with legs crossed)

Hey stranger, would you be able to pass around if you can?

(shes kept waiting, NO REPLY)

Dont you miss me?

I guess not 😦

(AARON calls her).


I’m on my way

at work

( JORDAN and female colleague talk and also flirt but the picture of the female whispering into jordans ear is perceived as cheating in Summer’s friends eye)

(Sunmer’s friend calls summer)

Bedroom – midday

(Summer receives a call, her face expression gradually transitions from smiling to frowning leading onto her crying).

(AARON enters the house, takes off his shoes and walks upstairs behind summer and closes the door behind him).

Sidewalk – evening


What ring you reckon I should buy her ? (beat)

I aint told anyone this yet… but im thinking of proposing to her.

(Jordan’s friend continues to ignore him whilst hes on the phone).

(Jordan enters the jewelery shop and makes a purchase).

Bedroom – night

(Jordan enters the house excited but only to find a pair of trainers at the door which doesn’t belong to him).

(hes walking up the stairs with a confused looked and sees clothing on the landing. This scene cross cuts between the two characters JORDAN & SUMMER, which conveys her panacking because shes aware of his presence).


whos that ?

(he shouts with a demanding voice)


summer ?

(JORDAN burst through the door and drops the ring in shock).



Duration 3 – 5minutes

Loyalty is a short drama that explores the lives of three individuals, Jordan, Summer & Aaron. Coming from a distraught past of his father cheating and mentally abusing his mother, Jordan solemnly promises not to follow in the footsteps of his father. On the other hand, Summer his girlfriend, has thoughts that he is cheating so decides to re-unite with an ex partner to re-create chemistry. It’s all a big misunderstanding.

The drama will uncover the theme of love, loyalty & betrayal. It will focus on the dynamics within a relationship and really challenge the audience to what makes a good quality relationship. 

The story begins with Summer saying to her boyfriend ‘I LOVE YOU’ and his reply with a kiss on the cheek. This is based on the reality of men always being perceived as the cheater within a relationship, but in this case, there is a twist. Summer assumes that Jordan is cheating on her when she receives a phone call from her best friend informing her that Jordan is cheating. However what looks like cheating is actually a pair of grown adults smiling and talking. In addition, Summer decides to hook up with an ex partner behind her soon to be husbands back and it all spirals downwards from there.

Loyalty is aimed at 16 – 30 year olds. This was a wise decision because from the age of 16, you begin to experience young love and adults above 19 can really relate to the situation conveyed in this drama.

Part of the drama will be shot in a P.O.V shot. This is extremely effective because the story will be told from Jordan’s prospective and it will give the audience a chance to really emphasis with him.

Starting from the 20th march, production will be in progress and the final production should be completed within couple weeks. This will include all scenes shot and edited.

Character Description

JORDAN CANTENBURY (age 23) is a hardworking handsome looking man who loves his girlfriend very dearly. However, having to deal with his father abusing his mother for most of his childhood, reflects on his actions as he tries to avoid turning out like his father.

SUMMER WALTERS (Age 21)is Jordan’s girlfriend. shes caught between living two lifestyles having suffered with low self esteem issues causing her to act the she does in her life now. these two lifestyles refer to two different guys. 1 being her boyfriend the other being her ex.

AARON WHITTS, grew up with summer, whilst catching feelings for her as they grew together. Since loosing her after he moved abroad, he now makes his return to get her back. but he doesn’t know that she is currently in a relationship.



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