3 Posters


M. Night Shyamalan director of “After Earth” brings a strong bond of father and son to a desolated planet as their relationship experiences extreme strain. The poster is intriguing, full of vibrant colours that bring the story into life; the use of big bold writing located in the centre of the poster adds an effect dramatic effect to it.


J.J. Adams Creator of both “Lost & Super 8” is back at it again with the on going fan fiction saga the New Star Trek Into Darkness. The poster foretells the destruction of earth as they know it the trails and tribulations they have to overcome is plastered into a still image adding a climatic effect into the eyes and souls of the viewers.


Both main characters of the harry potter saga fill the poster will light and darkness the poster is full of lean vibrant colours that elevates the desire and compassion of the audience. The burnt dust from the fire flows around the two main characters as it portrays the destruction of two worlds connected by an unfortunate event.

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